The Saint James Gut Restore Programme

A unique all-inclusive programme coupled with personalised coaching.

Step into the Gut Restore Programme, a unique and all-inclusive experience tailored to guide you through a radical change in your well-being over the course of six transformative months.

A Personalised Approach Like No Other

Our commitment to your health goes beyond the ordinary. With us, you’re not just a participant; you’re an individual with unique needs. Our ALL-INCLUSIVE programme combines cutting-edge science with personalised coaching to empower you on your path to restoration.

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Harness the Power of Data

Your journey to gut health is backed by data-driven insights. With two comprehensive Dysbiosis Tests, we gain a deep understanding of your microbiota – the foundation of your well-being. Additionally, our two Fatty Acids Lipid Tests help us fine-tune your Omega-3 balance, optimising your body’s essential functions.

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Supplements Tailored to You

We believe in quality, which is why our approved supplements – including Omega – 3 – are an integral part of the programme. These potent additions further enhance your journey toward optimal health.

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The Personal Touch – Coaching

Beyond information and guidance, our programme offers personalised coaching. We understand that every individual’s journey is unique, which is why our coaching adapts to your progress, challenges, and triumphs.

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Your Journey to Gut Health Starts Here

The Gut Restore Programme is more than a programme; it’s an opportunity for you to rewrite your health story. With us, restoring and maintaining gut health isn’t a distant dream – it’s an achievable reality, guided by your own data and driven by your determination.

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Over the past weeks, I have been following the online talks on Gut Health being organised by Professor Godfrey Grech. I took an interest in these talks since over the past years I have felt the need to understand better my gut health due to the uncomfortableness experienced from time to time, often exacerbated by stress factors and rich foods. I found these talks to be very insightful and helpful and I have decided to follow the gut restore programme in order to enhance my gut health. I have found this programme to be personalised and during this first month easy to implement. As an academic working within the area of sports/physical activity and psychology, I am also interested in understanding further the link between the gut and the brain and how our intestinal bacteria can affect our mental health.

The Gut Restore Programme is managed by professionals who work hand in hand with other professionals, backed by research and extensive knowledge in the field, with an ultimate aim – optimising the client’s health.
The programme is bridging the gaps in medicine, through research, and non-invasive investigations, that are usually carried out at the comfort of the client’s own home.
I highly recommend the Gut Restore Programme for the scientific initiatives and functional investigations which ultimately result as an investment in one’s health.

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