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Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is an extensively broad term for specialities that focus on improving a person’s  appearance. 

Traditionally, aesthetic medicine includes dermatology, reconstructive surgery and plastic surgery.


Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is a common procedure and is a good option for those who have tried dieting and exercise, but with little lasting effect. It aims to give a flatter stomach.

Both men and women can undergo tummy tuck surgery and usually experience good results and a long-lasting change in their abdomen’s form. It’s not the same as liposuction, although you may choose to get liposuction along with a tummy tuck.

This is a major surgery, so if you’re considering it, you should know the facts before you decide whether to go forward. The tummy tuck is a suitable cosmetic surgery procedure for people who:

  • Have tried successive regimes of dieting and exercise but failed to reduce tummy fat or tighten the muscle in their abdomens
  • See themselves as having excessive fat and sagging skin on their lower abdomen in proportion to their overall body mass
  • Have sagging skin and lax abdominal muscles as a result of pregnancy (usually multiple pregnancies)
  • Have excessive fat and or sagging skin and lax abdominal muscles as a result of ageing
  • Are not obese and are in general good health, apart from the excess weight on their abdomens
  • Are not planning to lose excess weight post-op (tell your surgeon about any diet or exercise regime you are planning).
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Excess skin on the upper and lower eyelids may make them droop or look puffy, while bags under the eyes may give one a permanently tired look.

Blepharoplasty surgery is often used in conjunction with other rejuvenating surgeries and has the effect of making your face look altogether more rested and younger.

This is a simple enough intervention that could last up to 2-and-half hours. Incisions are made in the natural creases of the skin to avoid scarring as much as possible, and fatty deposits are either removed or distributed and muscles tightened.

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Arm lift surgery or brachioplasty is used to return the upper arm to a firmer, sleeker and altogether more youthful look.

Brachioplasty is ideal for anyone who has tried diet regimes with little lasting effect, has sagging skin due to ageing or has excessive fat in the upper arm in proportion to their overall body mass.

Brachioplasty is a common procedure for patients who have experienced massive weight loss.

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Brazilian Butt Lift

A Brazilian butt lift is a specialised fat transfer procedure that augments the size and shape of the buttocks without implants. This procedure is also called Body Contouring Surgery as excess fat is removed from other areas of the body, to be placed in the buttocks.

This can be removed via liposuction from the following areas:

  • Hips
  • Abdomen
  • Lower back
  • Thighs

Our skilled cosmetic surgeons can improve the proportions of the entire lower body with Brazilian butt lift surgery, helping a patient lose fat in common “problem areas” and enhancing the buttocks, with results lasting many years.

While pain is typically minimal and easily controlled through pain medication, you will not be allowed to sit or lie directly on your buttocks for about 2 weeks after a Brazilian butt lift.

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Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is more commonly known as a Boob Job. It is surgery to increase breast size and it involves placing breast implants under the breast tissue or chest muscles.

For some women, breast augmentation is a way to feel more confident. For others, it’s part of rebuilding the breast for various conditions such as medical issues or even after childbirth,

Our professional and highly trained team will make sure you understand what surgery involves, including possible risks, complications and follow-up care as well as helping find the right shape and size for you.

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Liposuction is a process to remove excess localised, fatty deposits which have defied exercise or diet. These areas of stubborn fat can be located on the:

  • Abdomen
  • Arms
  • Back
  • Buttocks
  • Cheeks
  • Chest
  • Chin
  • Hips
  • Legs
  • Waist

Cellulite is not removed during Liposuction.

Liposuction is not a solution to obesity and does not replace the need for exercise and a healthy diet. Following the procedure, if a healthy lifestyle is not followed results will be reversed.

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Breast reduction or ‘reduction mammoplasty’ is a cosmetic surgery procedure that reduces the size of breasts that are overly large in proportion to a person’s frame.

Breast reductions are carried out on both men and women and can help people gain a more positive outlook on life and feel more comfortable and confident in their own skin. The surgery involves the removal of excess skin and tissue (fat and glandular tissue) and the repositioning of the nipples.

Breasts are reshaped to normal contours to suit their reduced size. The end result is usually lighter, firmer, shapelier breasts better proportioned to one’s size and frame.

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Mastopexy or breast uplift surgery reshapes and repositions breasts that have lost firmness.

It is designed to remove excess breast skin and underlying tissue to give a firmer look and feel to breasts. Some people find that they have one breast lower than the other and undergo Mastopexy surgery to correct this asymmetry.

Others might not be happy with their breast size and therefore choose to have breast augmentation or reduction carried out at the same time. Mastopexy itself does not alter breast size but it can reduce the size of the areolas around the nipples.

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Nipple Correction

Nipple correction surgery is a simple and relatively pain and hassle-free cosmetic surgery procedure. Most women choose the procedure to correct inverted nipples, but it can also reduce or enlarge nipples and remove any puffiness of the areola or the area surrounding the nipple.

Nipple inversion is usually congenital, but can also be caused by scarring after breastfeeding, from infection or earlier breast surgery. Many women also request nipple correction to make sure they can breastfeed.

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Ear surgery, or otoplasty, is a very common cosmetic surgery procedure to correct or reshape protruding ears and large ear lobes. Otoplasty may also reconstruct parts of the ear that are damaged or missing through accident and injury or from birth.

This procedure can be carried out on children and adolescents from age 4 upwards.

The goal of this type of surgery is to improve both the functional and cosmetic appearance of the ears. Frequently, psychological trauma is associated with such features.

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Rhinoplasty is a surgery that primarily changes the shape of the nose and one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures. Some people undergo the surgery to improve breathing as their nasal structure has an impact on their airway.

Rhinoplasty is generally carried out only on people whose facial features have matured, so as a rule it is not performed on minors less than 15 to 16 years of age other than in extreme circumstances.

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A face lift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing the visible signs of ageing on one’s face.

It can help reduce wrinkles, firm up sagging skin, eliminate deep furrows, reduce heavy jowls, and remove or redistribute fatty deposits under the skin.

Overall, a face lift can help you look the best you can for your age by giving you a fresh, rejuvenated facial appearance.

Face lifts can be performed on the whole face (a full-face lift) or just on the brow area, lower face, or neck only. A face lift can only be performed surgically.

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Sclerotherapy for varicose and spider veins. This is a medical procedure used to eliminate varicose veins and spider veins.

Sclerotherapy involves an injection of a solution directly into the vein. The solution irritates the lining of the blood vessel, causing it to swell and stick together, and the blood to clot. Over time, the vessel turns into scar tissue that fades from view.

Sclerotherapy is often done for cosmetic purposes — to improve the appearance of varicose and spider veins. The procedure can also improve related symptoms such as:

  • Aching
  • Burning
  • Night cramps
  • Swelling
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Thigh Lift Surgery

Thigh lift surgery, or thighplasty, works on the inner and back of the thigh. Many people find that with ageing and particularly after drastic weight loss, they have loose, sagging skin and tissue inside their thighs.

If you have tried exercise and diets to improve thigh tone with little effect, thigh lift surgery may be the route to take. The surgery is not aimed at fat removal so you may be recommended to have liposuction first.

Your surgeon will then assess the extent of any resulting loose skin, and advise you on whether a thigh lift is appropriate.

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Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal rejuvenation is a painless and minimally invasive laser treatment.

This treatment, although sounding scary, is quick, easy and pain free. It helps to restore comfort and wellbeing to women who suffer from vaginal discomfort, a common side effect during menopause or after childbirth.

With no pain and no downtime, our highly-skilled team are on hand to answer any questions and to guide you through your treatment.

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Doctor's Timetable

AGIUS, JOHN MrGeneral surgeryTuesday, FridayZejtunBook now
ANDREJEVIC, PREDRAG MrGeneral surgeryWednesdaySliemaBook now
ATTARD, ALEX MrGeneral surgeryMondaySliemaBook now
BRINCAT, STEPHEN DrClinical OncologyFridaySliemaBook now
CALLEJA, LAWRENCE MrHair TransplantTuesdaySliemaBook now
CARUANA, CLIFFORD MrGeneral surgeryMondaySliemaBook now
CARUANA DINGLI, GORDON MrGeneral surgeryWednesdaySliemaBook now
CINI, CHARLES MrGeneral surgeryTuesdayZejtunBook now
CINI, CHARLES MrGeneral surgeryFridaySliemaBook now
ELLUL, ERNEST MrGeneral surgeryThursdayZejtunBook now
GRECH, STEPHAN MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsFridaySliemaBook now
PSAILA, JOSEPHINE DrGeneral surgeryTuesday'sZejtunBook now
SANTIAGO, SANTO DrAllergologyMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ThursdayBurmarradBook now
SULTANA, ANGELA MsGeneral surgeryAlternate Monday'sBurmarradBook now
SULTANA, ANGELA MsGeneral surgeryFridayZejtunBook now
ZAMMIT MAEMPEL, Fredrick MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsThursdaySliemaBook now
CAMENZULI, CHRISTIAN MrGeneral surgeryAlternate Thursday's and Tuesday'sSliemaBook now
GRECH, MARK DrHaematologyMondaysZejtun Book now
SPITERI, NEVILLE MrGeneral surgeryAlternating Monday'sZejtunBook now
SAMMUT PATRICK, DrPaediatrics & Paediatric RespiratoryTuesday Sliema Book now
CAMENZULI, CHRISTIAN MrGeneral surgeryAlternate Tuesday'sZejtunBook now
GALEA, BENJAMIN MrGynaecology Alternate Wednesday'sBurmarradBook now
GALEA, BENJAMIN MrGynaecology Monday, Friday and SaturdaySliema Book now
GALEA, BENJAMIN MrGynaecology ThursdayZejtunBook now
PRIVITERA, ANTONIO ProfGeneral surgeryAdocSliemaBook now
FENECH, CHERILYN DrPain ManagementAlternate Thursday's SliemaBook now
MOSTAFA, AYMAN DrGeneral surgeryFriday & SaturdaySliemaBook now
MOSTAFA, AYMAN DrGeneral surgeryWednesday BurmarradBook now
CALLEJA, EDWARD DrUrology Ad-hoc SliemaBook now
CARUANA, CLIFFORD MrGeneral surgeryTuesday and ThursdayZejtunBook now
GRECH, Ryan W MrENTTuesdaysZejtunBook now
CALLEJA, EDWARD DrUrology Ad-hoc ZejtunBook now
SAMMUT, MATTHEW MrGeneral surgeryThursdaySliemaBook now
SAMMUT, MATTHEW MrGeneral surgeryThursdaySliemaBook now
SAMMUT, MATTHEW MrGeneral surgeryAlternate Wednesday'sZejtunBook now
GRECH, Ryan W MrENTSaturdaysSliemaBook now
BORG, ELAINE MsGeneral surgeryTuesday & ThursdayZejtunBook now
GRECH, Ryan W MrENTMondaysBurmarradBook now
GALEA, BENJAMIN MrObstetricsAlternate Wednesday'sBurmarradBook now
GALEA, BENJAMIN MrObstetricsMonday, Friday and SaturdaySliema Book now
GALEA, BENJAMIN MrObstetricsThursdayZejtunBook now
DEGUARA, JEAN MrGeneral surgeryAdocSliemaBook now
DEGUARA, JEAN MrGeneral surgeryAdocZejtunBook now
DALLI, REBECCA DrGeneral surgeryTuesdaySliemaBook now
SPITERI, NEVILLE MrGeneral surgeryWednesdaySliemaBook now
ABELA, CARMELO DrPain ReliefTuesday AfternoonSliemaBook now
ABELA, CARMELO DrPain ReliefFriday ZejtunBook now
ABELA, MASSIMO MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsMonday, ThursdaySliemaBook now
AGIUS, ADRIAN MrENTWednesdayZejtunBook now
AGIUS, MARTINA MsPodologyFridayZejtunBook now
APAP, CHARMAINE Dr DermatologyWednesdayZejtunBook now
AQUILINA, JOSANNE DrNeurologyMondaySliemaBook now
ATTARD, LUCIENNE DrSport And Exercise MedicineMondaySliemaBook now
ATTARD MONTALTO, S. ProfsPaediatricsMondaySliemaBook now
AVRAMOV, OLGA DrGynaecologyWednesday & ThursdaySliemaBook now
REFALO, NICK DrClinical OncologyWednesday's BurmarradBook now
AZZOPARDI, NEVILLE DrGastroenterologyMondayZejtunBook now
AZZOPARDI, THOMAS MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsWednesdayZejtunBook now
AZZOPARDI, THOMAS MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsThursdaySliemaBook now
BECK, NOEL MrNeurologyWednesdaySliema
BERNARD, ANTHONY MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsFriday, WednesdaySliemaBook now
BERNARDO, CARLOTTA MsHypnotherapyTuesday, Wednesday, SaturdayBurmarradBook now
BILOCCA, DAVID DrRespiratory (Thoracic) MedicineThursdayBurmarradBook now
BOFFA, MICHAEL DrDermatologyThursdayZejtunBook now
BORG, ALEX DrCardiologyTuesdayZejtunBook now
BORG, ALEX DrCardiologyFridaySliemaBook now
BORG, ANDREW ProfRheumatologyMondayZejtunBook now
BORG, ANDREW ProfRheumatologyTuesdaySliemaBook now
BORG, CHARLES MrENTMonday, ThursdaySliemaBook now
BORG, N. JOSEPH MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsTuesdaySliemaBook now
BORG XUEREB, HERMAN MrENTThursdaySliemaBook now
BRIFFA, JOSEPH MrPlastic SurgeryTuesday, Wednesday and ThursdaySliemaBook now
BRIFFA, NIKOLAI MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsMondayZejtunBook now
BRIFFA, NIKOLAI MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsWednesdaySliemaBook now
BUGEJA, SIMON DrUrologyTuesdaySliemaBook now
CACHIA, MARIO J. DrEndocrinologyWednesdayZejtunBook now
CACHIA, MARIO J. DrEndocrinologyThursdaySliemaBook now
CAMILLERI, ASTRID DrGynaecologyMondaySliemaBook now
CAMILLERI VASSALLO, FRANCO DrRheumatologyAlternate Thursday'sZejtunBook now
CARABOT, PHILIP DrGenitourinary MedicineWednesday & FridaySliemaBook now
CARUANA, DAWN MARIE DrDermatologyMondaySliemaBook now
CARUANA GRECH PERRY, MARIO DrDieticianAlternate Friday'sSliemaBook now
CARUANA GRECH PERRY, MARIO DrDieticianAlternate Friday'sZejtunBook now
DINGLI, PHILIP DrCardiologyWednesday ZejtunBook now
DINGLI, PHILIP DrCardiologyTuesdaySliemaBook now
CARUANA MONTALDO, BREN DrRespiratory (Thoracic) MedicineWednesday, ThursdaySliemaBook now
CASALETTO, JOHN MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsFridayZejtunBook now
CASALETTO, JOHN MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsAlternate MondaysBurmarradBook now
CASALETTO, JOHN MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsMonday & WednesdaySliemaBook now
CASHA, MARILYN DrPain ReliefWednesdaySliemaBook now
CASHA, JAMES DrTrauma & OrthopaedicsAd-hoc SliemaBook now
CASHA, JAMES DrTrauma & OrthopaedicsAd-hoc ZejtunBook now
CASHA, MARILYN DrPain ReliefTuesday ZejtunBook now
CASSAR MAEMPEL, ANDREW DrCardiologyMondaySliemaBook now
CASSAR MAEMPEL, ANDREW DrCardiologyThursdayZejtunBook now
CASSAR MAEMPEL, ANDREW DrCardiologyAlternate FridayBurmarradBook now
CAUCHI, JOHN MrPaediatric SurgeryMondaySliemaBook now
CAUCHI, JOHN MrPaediatric SurgeryTuesdayZejtunBook now
CHIRCOP, MARCELLE MsGynaecologyTuesday, FridayZejtunBook now
CHIRCOP, MARCELLE MsGynaecologyWednesdaySliemaBook now
CINI CUSTO, ROMINA DrGynaecologyAlternate Monday'sSliemaBook now
CINI CUSTO, ROMINA DrGynaecologyAlternate Monday'sZejtunBook now
COLEIRO, BERNARD DrRheumatologyTuesdaySliemaBook now
CRAUS, JOHANN MrGynaecologyWednesdayZejtunBook now
CUTAJAR, EVAN MrPodiatryTuesdaySliemaBook now
CUTAJAR, EVAN MrPodiatryWednesdayZejtunBook now
DARMANIN, X. FRANCIS MrPlastic SurgeryMondayZejtunBook now
DEBONO, RAYMOND MrPlastic SurgeryTuesdays, ThursdaysSliemaBook now
DJUKIC, JASMINA DrNeurosurgeryAlternate MondaysSliemaBook now
ESPOSITO, IVAN MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsTuesdaySliemaBook now
ESPOSITO, IVAN MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsWednesdayZejtunBook now
FARRUGIA AGIUS, JOSEPH DrNephrologyMondayZejtunBook now
FARRUGIA, EMANUEL ProfNephrologyMondaySliemaBook now
DARLENE, MERCIECA DrRespiratory (Thoracic) MedicineTuesdaySliemaBook now
VELLA, CLAIRE DrRespiratory (Thoracic) MedicineMondayZejtunBook now
VELLA, CLAIRE DrRespiratory (Thoracic) MedicineTuesdayBurmarradBook now
FARRUGIA JONES, CYNTHIA DrRespiratory (Thoracic) MedicineFridayZejtunBook now
FARRUGIA, MARIO DrGeneral MedicineTuesdayZejtunBook now
FAVA, Stephen (Prof)EndocrinologySaturdayZejtunBook now
FELICE, HERBERT DrCardiologyMonday,ZejtunBook now
FENECH, THOMAS MrOphthalmologyWednesdaySliemaBook now
BONNICI, MARIA DrGeriatric MedicineAlternate Wednesday ZejtunBook now
BONNICI, MARIA DrGeriatric MedicineAlternate WednesdaySliemaBook now
FERRY, PETER DrGeriatric MedicineAlternating Tuesday'sSliemaBook now
GALEA DEBONO, ANTHONY DrNeurologyFriday PMZejtunBook now
GALEA DEBONO, ANTHONY DrNeurologyFriday AM, TuesdaySliemaBook now
GALEA, JOSEPH ProfsCardio-thoracic SurgeonMonday and Wednesday SliemaBook now
GALEA, JOSEPH ProfsCardio-thoracic SurgeonTuesdayZejtunBook now
GALEA TESTA, THERESA DrGynaecologyMonday, WednesdayZejtunBook now
GALEA TESTA, THERESA DrGynaecologyTuesday, FridaySliemaBook now
GAMOUDI, DONIA DrGenitourinary MedicineAlternate FridayZejtunBook now
GAMOUDI, DONIA DrGenitourinary MedicineMondaySliemaBook now
GATT, RAY MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsTuesdayZejtunBook now
GAUCI GRECH, HEIDI DrGynaecologyMondayZejtunBook now
GAUCI GRECH, HEIDI DrGynaecologyFridaySliemaBook now
GERADA, JURGEN DrGastroenterologyTuesday, ThursdaySliemaBook now
GERMAN, KARL MrUrologyAlternate ThursdaysBurmarradBook now
GERMAN, KARL MrUrologyAlternate ThursdaysZejtunBook now
GERMAN, KARL MrUrologySaturdaySliemaBook now
GERMAN, NADYA MsPhysiotherapy/RehabilitationMonday, Tuesday, Thursday, FridaySliemaBook now
GHIGO, JOANNA MsGynaecologyMonday, Tuesday & SaturdaySliemaBook now
GHIGO, JOANNA MsGynaecology WednesdayZejtunBook now
GIORDMAINA, RYAN MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsFridaySliemaBook now
GRECH, ANTON DrPsychiatryWednesdaySliemaBook now
GRECH, STEPHAN MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsWednesdayZejtunBook now
GRECH, VICTOR ProfPaediatricsThursdaySliemaBook now
HERCZEGH, RITA DrGynaecologyThursday AlternateBurmarradBook now
HERCZEGH, RITA DrGynaecologyFridayZejtunBook now
JIN, SHELIA DrAcupuncture & MassotherapyFridaySliemaBook now
LAPIRA, ALEC DrENTWednesdayZejtunBook now
LAPIRA, ALEC DrENTFridaySliemaBook now
MAGAZINOVIC, BRANKO MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsTuesday, Friday, SaturdaySliemaBook now
MAGRI, CLAUDE DrClinical Oncology TuesdayZejtunBook now
MALLIA, CARMEL ProfsRheumatologyWednesdaySliemaBook now
MANCHE, ALEX MrCardio-thoracic SurgeonTuesday, WednesdaySliemaBook now
MERCIECA, ANDREW JOHN MrUrologyAlternate TuesdayZejtunBook now
MICALLEF STAFRACE, K DrSport And Exercise MedicineFridaySliemaBook now
MIZZI, ANNABELLE MsPodologyFridaySliemaBook now
MODESTINI, CHIARA MsPodologyWednesdaySliemaBook now
MONTANARO GAUCI, MICHELLE DrGynaecologyMondaysBurmarradBook now
MONTANARO GAUCI, MICHELLE DrGynaecologyWednesday SliemaBook now
ROLE, CHRISTOPHER DrPsychiatryAlternate FridaysZejtunBook now
ROLE, CHRISTOPHER DrPsychiatryTuesdaySliemaBook now
MUSCAT, ETIENNE DrPsychiatryMondaySliemaBook now
MUSCAT, ETIENNE DrPsychiatryTuesday, WednesdayZejtunBook now
MUSCAT, JOSIE DrSpecial Interest in GynaecologyMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday PM, Friday, Saturday PMZejtunBook now
MUSCAT, JOSIE DrSpecial Interest in GynaecologyThursday PM, Saturday PMSliemaBook now
MUSCAT, KENNETH MrENTWednesdaySliemaBook now
MUSCAT, KENNETH MrENTThursdayZejtunBook now
ORESTANO, UGO DrTrauma & OrthopaedicsAdocZejtunBook now
PACE, ADRIAN DrNeurologyTuesdayZejtunBook now
PACE, ADRIAN DrNeurologyWednesdayBurmarradBook now
PACE, ADRIAN DrNeurologySaturdaySliemaBook now
PACE, ALISTAIR MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsTuesdayZejtunBook now
PACE, ALISTAIR MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsFridayBurmarradBook now
PACE, ALISTAIR MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsThursdaySliemaBook now
PADOVESE, VALESKA DrDermatologyWednesdayBurmarradBook now
PADOVESE, VALESKA DrDermatologyThursdaySliemaBook now
PARNIS, JUANITA MsPlastic SurgeryThursdayZejtunBook now
RODRIGUES, RAINA DrPlastic SurgeryAdhocSliemaBook now
PARNIS, JUANITA MsPlastic SurgeryAlternate Monday'sSliemaBook now
PLEVEN, DAVID MrPodologyThursdayBurmarradBook now
POCOCK, JAMES DrGastroenterologyMonday, WednesdaySliemaBook now
PORTELLI, MARK MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsMondaySliemaBook now
PORTELLI, MARK MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsTuesdayBurmarradBook now
PORTELLI, MARK MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsFridayZejtunBook now
SAID, EDITH DrGeneticsTuesdayZejtunBook now
SAID, EDITH DrGeneticsThursday and FridaySliemaBook now
SAID, EDITH DrGeneticsMonday's AlternateBurmarradBook now
FILIPOVIC, SNEZANA DrENTSaturdayZejtunBook now
RIETVELD SEPMEIJER, CHRISTINA DrENTMonday and WednesdaySliemaBook now
SAID, MARIO MrENTTuesdaySliemaBook now
SALIBA, ISABELLE DrGynaecologyFridaySliemaBook now
SCERRI, ALBERT PAUL MrGynaecologyTuesdaySliemaBook now
SCERRI, LAWRENCE DrDermatologyTuesdayZejtunBook now
SCIBERRAS, JOHN MrUrologyAlternate Thursday'sZejtunBook now
SCIBERRAS, JOHN MrUrologyAlternate Thursday's BurmarradBook now
SPITERI, STEPHEN Dr The Hon.General Medical PracticeThursday on requestZejtunBook now
STABILE, ISABELLE ProfGynaecologyMonday, Tuesday& ThursdaySliemaBook now
THAKE, JOHN MrGynaecologyThursdaySliemaBook now
SWAYNE, JOHN DrInternal Medicine SpecialistWednesday ZejtunBook now
SWAYNE, JOHN DrInternal Medicine SpecialistTuesday & FridaySliemaBook now
TILNEY, MYRA DrGeneral MedicineFridaySliemaBook now
VASSALLO, JOSANNE ProfEndocrinologyMondaySliemaBook now
VELLA, ALBERTO MrGynaecologyMondayZejtunBook now
VELLA, ALBERTO MrGynaecologyWednesday, FridaySliemaBook now
VELLA, IVAN MrOphthalmologyMonday, ThursdayZejtunBook now
VELLA, IVAN MrOphthalmologyFridaySliemaBook now
VELLA, G. IVAN MrPodiatryTuesday, Wednesday, Thursday ZejtunBook now
VELLA, G. IVAN MrPodiatryThursdaySliemaBook now
VELLA, MALCOLM DrNeurologyMondayZejtunBook now
VELLA, MALCOLM DrNeurologySaturdaySliemaBook now
VELLA, SANDRO DrEndocrinologyTuesdaySliemaBook now
WLODEK, CHRISTINA DrDermatologyMondayZejtunBook now
WLODEK, CHRISTINA DrDermatologyTuesday, ThursdaySliemaBook now
WLODEK, CHRISTINA DrDermatologyFridayBurmarradBook now
XUEREB, DORIAN MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsMondayZejtunBook now
CARACHI, ALEX DrUrologyWednesday & SaturdayZejtunBook now
ZAMMIT, PATRICK MrUrologyFridayZejtunBook now
AGIUS, SHAWN MrNeurosurgeryWednesdaySliemaBook now
BONDIN, RAMON DrPaediatricsWednesday, Friday & SaturdayZejtunBook now
GAJECKA, ALEKSANDRA DrPaediatricsWednesday PMSliema Book now
ELLUL, GABRIEL DrPsychiatryAd-hoc ZejtunBook now
ELLUL, GABRIEL DrPsychiatryAd-hoc Sliema Book now
MICALLEF TRIGONA, BEPPE DrPsychiatryAlternate FridaysSliema Book now
GRECH, MARK DrHaematologyTuesday & MondayZejtunBook now
GRECH, MARK DrHaematologyThursdaySliema Book now
PLLAHA, ELTON DrCardiologyFridayZejtunBook now
FORMOSA, MARK MrGynaecology Saturday SliemaBook now
ZAMMIT ZERAFA, CHRISTINE DrGynaecology ThursdaySliemaBook now
BUCHANAN, ANNA MsFood intolerance testingWednesday ZejtunBook now
BUCHANAN, ANNA MsFood intolerance testingMondaySliemaBook now
BUCHANAN, ANNA MsFood intolerance testingFridayBurmarradBook now
TRAPANI, Rose Ann (Ms)PsychotherapyThursdayZejtunBook now
TRAPANI, Rose Ann (Ms)PsychotherapyFridaySliemaBook now
TRAPANI, Rose Ann (Ms)PsychotherapyMonday & WednesdayBurmarradBook now
SAMMUT, ANDREW DrGynaecology & Obstetrics / URO DynamicsAlternate FridaysSliemaBook now
ZAMMIT ZERAFA, CHRISTINE DrGynaecology Alternate FridaysBurmarradBook now
ZAMMIT ZERAFA, CHRISTINE DrGynaecology FridayZejtunBook now
BECK EMMA MsPsychotherapist, Midwifery, Pregnancy counselling Thursday & MondaySliemaBook now
CHETCUTI ZAMMIT, STEFANIA DrGastroenterologyThursdaySliemaBook now
MERCIECA BALBI, MATTHEW DrCardiology ThursdayZejtunBook now
MERCIECA BALBI, MATTHEW DrCardiology TuesdaySliemaBook now
ABELA, MARK DrCardiology FridaySliemaBook now
RESTALL, KIM Ms DieticianWednesday & Friday ZejtunBook now
RESTALL, KIM Ms DieticianMondays, Tuesdays & ThursdaysSliemaBook now
SANT, KURSTEIN MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsFridayZejtunBook now
STOJAKOVIC, LANA DrDentistryMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & SaturdayZejtunBook now
SAMMUT, ANDREW DrGynaecology & Obstetrics / URO dynamicsAlternate FridaysZejtunBook now
CHETCUTI ZAMMIT, STEFANIA DrGastroenterologyAlternate FridaysZejtunBook now
TZIMAS, VASILEIOS MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsWednesday SliemaBook now
SKODACEK, MARTIN MrTrauma & Orthopaedic FridayBurmarradBook now
PORTELLI, CHRISTINE DRGynaecology & ObstetricsMondayBurmarradBook now
PORTELLI, CHRISTINE DRGynaecology & ObstetricsMondayBurmarradBook now
BRINCAT, MAX DRGynaecology & ObstetricsAlternate Wednesday SliemaBook now
RAVELLI, DAVIDE DrPsychology MondayBurmarradBook now
JACUCH, BEATRICE MsPsychology Saturday, SundaySliemaBook now
PORTELLI, CHRISTINE DRGynaecology & ObstetricsWednesday, ThursdaySliemaBook now
POULHIES, ANNE MSOsteopathWednesday SliemaBook now
JULIAN, ZAMMIT MAEMPEL MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsAlternate ThursdaysSliemaBook now
JULIAN, ZAMMIT MAEMPEL MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsAlternate ThursdaysZejtunBook now
TZIMAS, VASILEIOS MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsFriday & SaturdaySliemaBook now
SAID, IAN MrVascular and Endovascular SurgeonTuesdayZejtunBook now
ZRINZO, SALVINA DrRadiologyTuesday & FridayZejtun
MASSA, EDWARD MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsAdocSliemaBook now
RIETVELD, DERK DrTrauma & OrthopaedicsTuesdays and Wednesdays SliemaBook now
RIETVELD, DERK DrTrauma & Orthopaedics FridayZejtunBook now
SLADDEN, DAVID DrCardio-thoracic SurgeonWednesdayZejtunBook now
SLADDEN, DAVID DrCardio-thoracic SurgeonThursdaySliemaBook now
ANDREA, FORMIGA DrBariatric SurgeryAd-hoc SliemaBook now
GRECH SPITERI, CLAUDINE MsExercise & Nutrition Science Wednesday, ThursdaySliemaBook now
GRECH SPITERI, CLAUDINE MsExercise & Nutrition Science FridayZejtunBook now
GRECH SPITERI, CLAUDINE MsExercise & Nutrition Science MondayBurmarradBook now
SACCO, KEITH ProfAllergologyAd-hoc SliemaBook now
SACCO, KEITH ProfAllergologyAd-hoc ZejtunBook now
BORG, PHILIP DrLongevity Medicine Ad-hoc ZejtunBook now
PANDYA, PANKAJ DrGeneral Practitioner, Specialising in Life Style MedicineTuesday & ThursdaySliemaBook now
PANDYA, PANKAJ DrGeneral Practitioner, Specialising in Life Style MedicineWednesday AlternateBurmarradBook now
COLIN, NG MrTrauma & OrthopaedicsThursdayZejtunBook now
PELLEGRINO, GIUSEPPE DottTrauma & OrthopaedicsAd-hoc ZejtunBook now
PANDYA, PANKAJ DrGeneral Practitioner, Specialising in Life Style MedicineWednesday AlternateZejtunBook now
CHETCUTI, KRISTINA MsHealth and WellnessTuesday, Wednesday and ThursdayZejtunBook now
Borg, Kay DrRheumatology and General MedicineMonday and FridaySliemaBook now
Borg, Kay DrRheumatology and General MedicineTuesday and WednesdayZejtunBook now
Borg, Kay DrRheumatology and General MedicineThursdayBurmarradBook now
GALEA, MARTIN MrOphthalmologyTuesdayZejtunBook now