What to tell us
The more information you are able to give us before you arrive, the better. Once you are here, you can relax in the knowledge that you are getting the best possible care. Please let us know if you require an interpreter or have any special requirements.
If you are using health insurance, you will need to give us the policy number and the name of the policyholder. Please check your policy details, terms and conditions before you book your procedure. It is your responsibility to notify your health insurance about the planned procedure.
Health assessment
Depending on your procedure, you may be asked to attend our Preoperative Assessment Clinic before your scheduled procedure date.
During this visit, you will be seen by a nurse who will take a full history and prepare you for blood tests and other investigations that may be needed before the procedure can take place. We require this information to ensure that any medical issues are identified and dealt with in a timely fashion.
Not every procedure requires a full preoperative assessment, so do not worry if you have not been booked for one. If you have any questions regarding the assessment, please contact the In-patient Bookings Office on 2329 1000.
If you are asked to attend for this assessment, please bring with you any recent test results, referral notes or medical history summaries and a list of all the medications that you are currently taking.