The Saint James Weight Management Institute is made up of a team of established specialist surgeons, dietitians, psychologists & nurses.
The Saint James Weight Management Institute
Meet The Experts

Kim Restall
BSc (Hons) Nutrition & Dietetics
Ms Kim Restall graduated from Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, Scotland with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nutrition and Dietetics. She is a registered Dietitian in both Malta and in the UK, and is the Head of the Weight Management Institute.
Kim began her work experience in Scotland at the Royal Cornhill Hospital within the Eating Disorders Unit. She then had further experience at Dr. Gray’s Hospital in Elgin, UK in both a community and diverse acute setting. This included working in various wards such as orthopedics, oncology, surgical, older adults, pediatrics, gastroenterology, and critical care. Furthermore, Kim had the opportunity to work in a stroke ward at Ayrshire Central Hospital, UK, where she gained additional experience in nutritional support and tube feedings.
Kim has worked with the weight management and diabetes support teams within the NHS, giving her vast experience and great interest in these patients. This led her to her specialisation in Dietetics for Bariatric Surgeries.

Ms. Rose-Ann Trapani
The psychotherapeutic relationship with clients can go deep enough as to create a lasting change in crafting a better version of the self.
I hold a Masters degree in Psychotherapy and an MSc in Workplace Health and Wellbeing. I am a certified and practicing Gestalt psychotherapist in private practice working with such mental health challenges as anxiety, panic attacks, and depression, childhood abuse and trauma, life and workplace stress, and
behaviour changes. I am a member of the team at Saint James Hospital Weight Management clinic, where I practice my area of special interest in Obesity and
Eating Disorders.
Within a multidisciplinary team we work collaboratively with clients presenting with weight management issues. My work focuses on supporting clients to go
through a process of mental adaptation before and after procedure, such as addressing potential difficulties with lifestyle changes, and factors that originally
might have led to the initial presenting issue. The process lends itself to an in-depth exploration of one’s unique circumstances, needs, and the challenges one
faces as the relationship with food changes.

Mr Clifford Martin Caruana
MD(Melit) FRCS(Ed) ChM(GenSurg)
Clifford graduated from the Malta Medical School, University of Malta, in 2002. Started surgical specialisation in 2004. In 2007 after passing the MRCS exam moved into general surgery training. He moved to the UK in 2012 for sub specialisation in Upper GI surgery first at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton and later at St Thomas Hospital in London. During this period of time he completed his masters in Surgery and passed the FRCS exam. He received expert Upper GI training both open and laparoscopic surgery with the main interest was Upper GI surgery focusing both on Malignant and benign disease. In 2016 he moved back to Malta and became a consultant in Upper GI surgery in 2019. Main interests are minimally invasive cancer surgery as well as benign disease including lap anti-reflux surgery, gallbladder surgery, bariatric surgery as well as minimally invasive hernia surgery.

Mr. Predrag Andrejevic
FACS. FRCSI, MFSEM, Dip. Lap Surgery
Mr Andrejevic is a surgeon with more than 10 yrs. experience in Laparoscopic Colorectal and Emergency Surgery. He has been at the forefront in introducing minimally invasive techniques, mainly colorectal resections, emergency laparoscopic colon and gall bladder resections, and abdominal wall hernia surgery.
One of Mr Andrejevic activity is teaching undergraduate and post-graduate students. He holds position of the Post – Graduate training coordinator. He is the founder of the intranational post-graduate surgical program in Malta.
His contribution to teaching and training surgeons locally and internationally gained him a place in the Educational and Training Committee of the European Association of Endoscopic Surgeons and at The Queens Mary University of London as Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer.
His primary research is in benign and malignant colorectal disease. He leads the local committee for implementation of robotics in general surgery in Malta. Mr Andrejevic is the pioneer of Endoluminal obesity surgery in Malta.
Mr Andrejevic has published locally and internationally and attended several international meetings as an invited speaker. He is also a peer reviewer for” The Surgeon” journal of the RCSEd and RCSI, Endoscopic Surgery and the World Journal of Surgical Oncology.

Ms. Cynthia-Michelle Borg
Clinical Lead for SJH Weight Management Institute
Ms Cynthia-Michelle Borg qualified as a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Malta in 1997. After training at St Luke’s Hospital, she moved to the United Kingdom for specialist training. She completed a research degree (MD University of London) at King’s College Hospital and at the Department of Metabolic Medicine at the Hammersmith Hospital.
Cynthia completed her surgical training in London and North-East Thames region. She was appointed as a consultant surgeon at UHL, London in 2012.
Her specialist clinical interest is bariatric (weight loss) and metabolic surgery, having completed a surgical fellowship at University College Hospital, London. She also has an interest in laparoscopic (keyhole) abdominal surgery, in particular the management of gallstone disease and gastro-oesophageal reflux.
She is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and a member of AUGIS, BOMSS, ASMBS and IFSO. She is a Regional Surgical Advisor (London) for the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and an elected council member on BOMSS and AUGIS councils.

Mr. Andrea Formiga
General Surgeon, Bariatric Surgeon and GI endoscopy
Mr. Andrea Formiga is General Surgeon and Endoscopist at the Columbus Clinic in Milan, as well as Director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Bariatric and Obesity (C.I.B.O.) in Milan.
After earning a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Milan (1996), he specialized, again in the same university, in General Surgery (2002).
In the years from 1994 to 1997, the Doctor took his first professional steps as a student / doctor who attended the U.O. of General Surgery of the San Giuseppe Hospital in Milan. From 1998 he then began to work, at first as a trainee and, later, as a freelance Specialist in General Surgery, at the San Marco Polyclinic, under the guidance of Prof. Carlo Rebuffat.
From 2008 he began to devote himself to bariatric activity at the San Carlo Clinic in Milan, while from 2014 to 2015 he was Head of General Surgery and Digestive Endoscopy at the Italian Auxological Institute. This professional experience was followed by that, from 2016 to 2018, as Head of the Division of General and Bariatric Surgery of the Zucchi Clinical Institutes of Monza.
Since 2002, Mr. Formiga has been a freelancer, an activity to which over the years he has also joined that of collaborator at the Villa Arbe Nursing Home in Milan, the Montanari Nursing Home in Morciano di Romagna.
Mr. Formiga has the largest Italian case history for Endobariatric treatments (Apollo Overstitch, POSE, Endobarrier therapy, BIB, Spatz, Allurion Elipse) carried out and a large number of major Bariatric Surgery interventions.