The Saint James Gut Restore Programme Open Day

Discover everything the Gut Restoration Programme has in offer for you by joining us at our Open Day on March 16th 2024, held at Saint James Hospital in Zejtun!

Book your slot at our Open Day on the 16th of March 2024 at Saint James Hospital, Zejtun.

Our commitment to your health goes beyond the ordinary.

With us, you’re not just a participant; you’re an individual with unique needs.

Our ALL-INCLUSIVE programme combines cutting-edge science with personalised coaching to empower you on your path to restoration.

Book now

Meet the Experts

Get to know our experienced team of Scientists, Registered Nutritionists and Lifestyle Medical Practitioners.

Meet The Team

Demo by Dr. Juice

Discover the expertise behind Dr. Juice’s renowned pink potion, tailored for promoting optimal gut health.

Book your place today!

If you’d like to book you slot on our Open Day, please fill in the form below or call us on 2329 1000: